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YFS Minutes 06/06/2017
1032017_34455_0.jpg        TOWN OF OLD SAYBROOK
        Youth & Family Services Commission
        322 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
        Telephone (860) 395-3190  FAX (860) 395-3189
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services Commission Meeting
                                            Minutes   June 6, 2017; 5:00 pm
322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Members Present:
Mary Kennedy, Public Health Nursing Board Representative
Lisa Castro, School Representative  
Sharon Tiezzi, At-large member
Kiwon-Paul Dionne-Jee, Student Representative
Philip Max Ledwith, Student Representative
Sophie Alden, Student Representative
Michael Rafferty, Chairman, HCHY Representative
Gretchen Bushnell, HCHY

Also Present:
Heather McNeil, Director Y&FS
Gerri Lewis, Clerk

Sam Barnes, Chairman, Dept of Police Svcs. representative
Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman, At-Large Member
Jonathan Paradis, Secretary;  Parks and Recreation Representative
Sarah Anderson, Student Representative
Christi Staples, PCI Housing Representative

Call to Order
Director McNeil called the meeting to order at 5:01 pm.  

Pledge of Allegiance
Ms. McNeil led the pledge of allegiance.


Comments from the Public   None

Review and Approval of Minutes
A motion made by Ms. Tiezzi to approve the minutes of May 2, 2017, was seconded by  Ms. Kennedy were so VOTED unanimously.


Chairman’s Comments  None

Director’s Report  
Ms. McNeil thanked everyone for coming.

  • Ms. McNeil introduced Mike Rafferty and Gretchen Bushnell.  Ms. McNeil also noted that HCHY as an Advisory Board will have one seat and one vote on the Youth & Family Services board.  Ms. McNeil noted that she was happy to have the continued involvement of both Mr. Rafferty and Ms. Bushnell.  
  • BOE Presentation:  Ms. McNeil reported that she will meet with Superintendent Perruccio to discuss the preparation of a plan with regard to concerns by parents and students about the survey and discuss will students need permission to take the survey.
  • Summer Work Program: Ms. McNeil reported that Community Service and Summer Stock is full.  
  • Ms. McNeil also noted that they were invited to the National Conference on Positive Youth Development in Maine.  There will be 4 students attending.  They were invited to be presenters.
  • Farewell to Seniors:  Ms. McNeil asked the seniors to tell the group what their future plans were.  Kiwon-Paul noted that he was entering the honors program at UCONN and going into Engineering and also going into a special program in law.  Phillip noted that he was going to Curry College for Communications and Business.  He was recruited for basketball.  He said that after college he would get his real estate license.  Ms. McNeil asked the students what they would say to replacement students on the Y&FS board.  Sophie noted that she would say that “small outreach can make a big difference.”  She added that she would tell them to take advantage of all of the opportunities offered.  Sophie also noted that next year she wants to bring more to the table.  Ms. McNeil thanked the students.


Old Business  - Ms. McNeil noted the movies on the beach 7/21 – 8/4.


New Business
Ms. Kennedy announced that she will be resigning from the board.  The Public Nursing Board will appoint someone to take her place.
Ms. Castro noted that new families moving into town need information.  A discussion pursued and Mr. Rafferty noted that he had someone do that at the Middle School when he was principal.  Ms. McNeil noted that Y&FS should consider doing that next year.


Other Business      

Ms. McNeil pass out information about youth suicide.


Adjournment – A motion to adjourn at 5:43 p.m. by  Ms. Tiezzi, seconded by Ms. Castro was so VOTED unanimously.

Gerri Lewis, Clerk